We welcome you to the Acecura Community Hub

Dedicated to supporting unpaid family carers and the ones they care for.

About Us

About the Acecura Community Hub

There is currently a crisis in the UK social care sector, largely caused by the rapid increase in dementia cases, an ageing population, and an already failing social care system. This system needs private sector support to provide people with the levels of support, care, respect, dignity and quality of life that they deserve.

Acecura offers an end-to-end solution for families and people who are impacted by dementia, combining the power of community and technology to deliver desirable outcomes and reduce negative outcomes. The aim of the Acecura offering is to provide anyone who is impacted by dementia, including loved ones and informal caregivers, with access to all of the support and care that they may require, by the most efficient and cost effective means possible.

About Acecura

Learn more about the full Acecura offering at hypercaresystems.com 

Our goal? To provide unpaid carers with the much needed and much deserved support that they require whilst caring for a loved one with a chronic condition. To provide a well lit path for carers along with better access to guidance, support and solutions. The aim of the first phase of our project is to help people who care for a loved one with dementia, enabling both to 'live well' with independence, reducing stress and financial burden, whilst increasing quality of life. 

Why You Should Join Us

Premium Guidance

Tailored Plans

Marketplace of tailored products and services

Access support from your local community

Build your ‘Circle of Care’